Saturday, April 7, 2012

Survey Results

We got responses from 77 folks, which considering the time of year, I think is pretty good. I'm not sure how big our staff is, but it was a good turnout. We got some good information, I think, and should be able to come up with a good final project. To me, it seems that lots of our faculty has read the Faculty AUP and use some type of social media, but its use in the classroom is still somewhat limited. We didn't explore the division level each respondent is in, but that would have been interesting data to see if use of the social media in the classroom varies by the different age levels in our school.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

We're on our way!

Our team met and designed a survey to get data for our ARP. Hurray!!! Things look great and the survey will go out to our faculty this week. I think we're all excited about the project and feel a real sense of accomplishment.

Here's the survey just FYI: Educators & Social Media

Monday, February 20, 2012

We've only just begun...

The process of coming up with an idea for our team Action Research has been interesting. At times, it has been a bit frustrating to figure out what we're supposed to be doing and what our team as a whole would like to pursue as a project. I think we're finally moving in a common direction. The idea of Digital Footprint Awareness (DFA) seems to be something we are all interested in. We came to the common thought that DFA needs to come from the top down...from teachers to students. So we are now examining what a DF is, how it can be utilized as a professional, and why educators need to be aware of a DF. Students often follow the lead of their teachers, so it is important as an educator to be aware of your presence in "digital/web world" and how it can be a useful tool both professionally and educationally (maybe these are really the same).

Be sure to check back for more as we continue this Action Research Process.

Shari Hiltbrand-"Hilt"
(there are 2 Shari's on our team, so I'm "Hilt")